Reprinted by permission of Borderlands Wildlife Preserve
It is official! The Casa Blanca Trailhead for the Arizona Trail (AZT) is open! We are so happy to partner with the Arizona Trail Association and wish you all the best hiking on the trail. The AZT is open to hiking, non-motorized cycling, equestrians, and leashed dogs. Please have fun out there and take a minute to read the informative signs at the trailhead.

The Casa Blanca Canyon Trailhead is located 1,000ft west of Highway 82, on Casa Blanca Canyon Road, 4.5 miles north of the town of Patagonia. GPS Coordinates: 31°36’4.33″N,110°43’28.45″W .

Ribbon-cutting photo (right to left): Ron Pulliam, Borderlands Restoration Network Founder; Matthew Jewell, Forest Legacy Program Specialist; Kurt Vaughn, BRN Executive Director; Zach MacDonald, ATA’s Trail Director; and Laura Moser, Forest Service Community Forest Program Regional Coordinator.
Thank you to all of our partners, neighbors, and land stewards (of past and present) who made this possible and continue to hold this land in their hearts. Enjoy!