Giant Hummingbirders at the Paton Center in Patagonia

Written by Tom Brown and reprinted by permission of the Tucson Audubon Society

Another Southeast Arizona Birding Festival is in the books, and by all accounts, it was a smashing success! Knowing we would be hosting several field trips each day, we re-created parts of our amazing 4th of July parade float. Installing the seven-foot Violet-crowned Hummingbird in the front yard provided a great photo opportunity for visitors.

In addition to Violet-crowneds of both sizes, the bird lists that came from the Paton Center were excellent. Yellow-billed Cuckoos, seven species of hummingbirds, grosbeaks, buntings, and Mississippi Kites were but a few of the highlights!

On behalf of the employees, and volunteers here at the Paton Center for Hummingbirds, I would like to extend a huge “Thank You” to Luke Safford and all the amazing people who have worked tirelessly to put on this incredible festival!

Tom Brown, Site Manager – Paton Center for Hummingbirds