East Santa Cruz County Community Food Bank

The East Santa Cruz County Community Food Bank, Inc, (ESCCCFB) headquartered in Patagonia, AZ is a 501C3 whose mission is to provide food security for people in East Santa Cruz County AZ.

The volunteer organization does this through weekly fresh vegetable distributions, every Monday outside the Senior Center in Patagonia.

In addition, the ESCCCFB distributes food bags on the second Saturday of each month to clients at our brand-new Patagonia location at 772 Harshaw.

Funded by grants and donations, you can also indirectly support the East Santa Cruz County Community Food Bank through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Program. A dollar-for-dollar tax credit (up to $400 for individuals, $800 for married couples filing jointly) is available.

EMERGENCY FOOD AID is available anytime simply by calling the Food Bank at (520) 302-4450.

ESCCFB graphic

East Santa Cruz County Community Food Bank
772 Harshaw, Patagonia AZ 85624

Phone: 520.302.4450

Website: Click here

Hours: Vegetable Distribution, Mon. 10:30 – 11:30 at Senior Center 100 Quiroga Lane, Patagonia

Dry Food Distribution: Second Saturday of the month from 8:30 – 10:30 at 772 Harshaw, Patagonia