Butterflies abound at the Paton Center

Reprinted by permission of the Tucson Audubon Society

Not everything that flies around the Tucson Audubon’s Paton Center for Hummingbirds are creatures of the feathered variety. We have our amazing Butterfly Meadow that has been planted, and now is in bloom with lots of native flowers. This incredible riot of color will continue to attract an amazing variety of butterflies and moths all summer.


Be sure to visit the meadow and pick up one of the Butterfly and Moth checklists available next to the annual species board. That board is updated regularly to show which Butterflies and Moths have been visiting!

Other regular visitors to this lovely meadow would include a large number of Lesser Goldfinches, Northern Beardless Tyrannulets, Phainopeplas, and a pair of Common Yellowthroats.
We look forward to your next visit to at the Paton Center for Hummingbirds!